Reconnect With Family
You’d be hard-pressed to find an adult who doesn’t look back fondly on the family camping trips they took as a child. They usually involve stories of being crammed into the back of the family wagon with at least three other kids, no seatbelts, and a long drive to the family’s onsite van parked near the sea. And with caravanning and camping holidays now more accessible and more popular, it’s easier than ever to create those precious memories with your own children.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a family who has to rely on four precious weeks of annual leave a year, or a family with the freedom to pack up and take off whenever you want – the huge benefits of caravanning or camping are the same.
Who doesn’t remember those carefree days camping as a child? Leaving camp straight after breakfast with a gaggle of other caravan park kids and not returning until dusk, dirty, happy and with a whole bunch of new friends and new experiences to excitedly relay to mum and dad? Usually, they were as simple as the cool trick you did on the park’s trampoline, a fun little jump you discovered on your bike, or the new flavour of ice-cream the park’s kiosk has in stock.
Camping, especially in a safe caravan park setting, allows you to give your children freedoms they might not enjoy at home and will help create memories that stay with them for a lifetime.
‘Holidays at home’ and ‘staycations’ have become all the rage in the past few years, thanks to the falling Aussie dollar and perceived safety threats in travelling overseas. Domestic camping holidays are a cost-effective way to holiday with your family, as they don’t require costly flights, expensive accommodation, car hire or painful exchange rates!
Sure, you need a bit of gear to get set up – or you could borrow it from family or friends – but, once you hit the road, you’ll find your costs are not very different to staying at home.