
Why rent an RV?

Flexible Options

Hiring is a great way to try out the RV lifestyle without the upfront cost of maintenance and overhead of ownership. There are so many options out there where you have the flexibility to choose the perfect RV that suit your travel requirements at your own pace. Hiring is also a great way to try out the RV lifestyle without the upfront cost of maintenance and overhead of ownership.

Fully Equipped

Many RV Rentals are fully equipped making sure that you are geared up ready for your adventure.

campervan on road along the ocean

Find your nearest CCIA Member

Showing 1 - 10 of 10
Jayco Newcastle
Lake Macquarie & Newcastle
Awards of excellence 2024 Gold
Suncamper Pty Ltd
Sydney & Surrounds
Awards of excellence 2024 Gold
opal caravan next to Dubbo sign
Sydney & Surrounds
Two RV's driving along a dirt road towards a clubhouse near blue waters of a coastline.
Sydney & Surrounds
camperact store front
Caravan & RV Central
Sydney & Surrounds
BMW hitched to caravan in a park
7th Street Caravans
Lake Macquarie & Newcastle
older couple with Jayco conquest
Mitchcap Pty Ltd
Illawarra & Southern Highlands
Off Grid Outfitters
Sydney & Surrounds
camper trailer folded out in show room
Watsons Caravans & RV's Coffs Harbour
Coffs Coast & Clarence Coast
Watsons Coffs sign on store