Clever and Simple Tricks for the Outdoors

Here are some unique, simple and easy tips and tricks to consider when you are next on your caravan and camping adventure.

Natural Tick Repellent

Add 1 part tea tree oil to 2 parts water into a spray bottle.

Spray onto shoes, socks and pants.

Waterproof matchbox

Place matches into a sealed plastic container and cut the striking area off the original matchbox and stick to the underside of the lid.

Awning or Tent Safety

Cut a slit in a foam swim noodle lengthwise and slip over each awning strut. Cut to size for tent guide ropes. Not only are they more visible in the dark, but they’ll be padded if anyone bumps into them!

Compact First Aid Kit

Use an old vitamins bottle and add bandaids, Panadol etc

Create a makeshift music speaker

You don’t need to bring big speakers or even a separate speaker plugin for your phone: A phone or an iPod in a ceramic mug will work just fine.

Emergency Kindling

If you can’t find any dry kindling, open up a packet of Doritos.

Ice and Water for Eskys

Freeze jugs of water and place them in the esky. They’ll keep your food cold, and you’ll have plenty of water to drink for later.

Dry Power Connections

Keep power cord connections off damp ground and protected from rain using an upside down bucket with two holes.

Soap Holder

Tie a bar of soap to the tap with pantyhose for easy hand washing.

 Sage Shoos Mosquitos

Make a natural repellents using sage by simply burning it near your campfire. Lavender, eucalyptus and citronella oils are other natural repellents to try.

Make Lamps out of Jugs

Fill a jug of water and strap a headlamp around it with the light facing the jug giving your tent a pleasant ambient glow.