What is Instagram and Useful Tips

picture of mobile phone taking shot of sunset

Instagram is a social media app that allows users to share photos and videos from their lives, add captions, edit filters, tweak settings and engage with others.

Instagramers can sync their photo sharing to other social networks, so Instagram photos can be posted directly to other social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

Simple to use and keeps all your photos in the one place.

The following tips can help you make the best out of your own Instagram experience:

  1. Take an interesting, colourful photo or video

Instagram is all about providing value to your followers, especially if you want more engagement. In this case, your goal should be to post photos and videos that evoke some kind of emotion – happiness, humour, motivation, nostalgia, love or anything else. High-quality photos with a lot of colours tend to get the most action on Instagram. Keep it fun and unique.


  1. Choose a filter effect or not

Instagram provides you with a bunch of filters you can apply to your photos to automatically enhance the look and style, but that trend seems to have already hit its peak. People want photos and videos that are colourful, but relatively natural looking. Keep away from those filters that take away from your image.


  1. Caption it

Write and caption but just don’t just describe the picture. Tell a story of what made you take the photo or describe the destination. You can even ask a question to encourage interaction with your followers.


  1. Use hashtags, but use them sparingly

Using hashtags is a great way to increase your reach on Instagram, encourage more engagement and even attract new followers. Make sure to keep it to a minimum, and only use keywords that are relevant.


  1. Post regularly

If you want to keep followers engaged, you need to post new content on a regular basis. That doesn’t mean you need to be posting 10 photos a day. In fact, posting once a day – or at least once every other day – should be frequent enough to keep your current followers interested.


  1. Keep up with the trends

If Instagram is a major social networking platform for you, it’s important to keep up with the latest trends to avoid getting left behind and putting yourself at risk of losing valuable followers.