Self-Saucing Fudge Pudding (Chocolate or Caramel)

Self Saucing Chocolate Fudge Pudding - Best Caravan Camping NSW

A rich warm self-saucing chocolate or caramel pudding can be so delightful as a dessert guaranteed to get your tastebuds excited.

Chocolate Pudding Recipe

Chocolate Pudding - The Campfire
Image Source: Ozpig Pty Ltd

Cake ingredients

  • 3 cups self-raising flour
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 200 ml milk

Sauce Ingredients:

  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 cups boiled hot water
  • 2 tbsp golden syrup


  • medium mixing bowl
  • small mixing bowl
  • spatula
  • baking paper
  • camp oven (if using campfire)
  • non-stick pot (if using portable gas stove)


For the cake

  1. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the self-raising flour, sugar and cocoa powder. Add butter and rub together using your hands until fine crumbs form.
  2. Pour milk into the medium mixing bowl, stir the mixture with a spatula until a damper is formed.
    NOTE: Add a bit of flour if mixture is too wet. Add a bit of milk if mixture is too dry.

For the sauce

  1. In a small bowl, combine the sugar and cocoa powder.
  2. In another small bowl, dissolve golden syrup in boiled hot water.

The cooking starts…

  1. In a preheated camp oven OR non-stick pot lined with baking paper, add the cake damper and push it down to the edges of the pot to form the shape of a cake.
  2. Over the top, sprinkle your ‘sugar and cocoa powder’ mix then gently pour your ‘golden syrup and water’ mix (spread evenly in circular motion).
  3. Place lid on and cook for 30 minutes. If using portable gas stove, cook on medium-high temperature.

Recipe source: Ozpig Pty Ltd

Caramel Pudding Recipe


Caramel Pudding - The Campfire
Image Source: Lisa Turner from Everything Caravan and Camping Website

If you love a caramel pudding, you can implement similar ingredients and method above. Just simply replace the cocoa powder for 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract in EACH of the cake and saucing ingredients. Also add a tablespoon of icing sugar at the end (i.e. after cooking).

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