Caravanners Warned About Using Truck Rest Areas


An increasing number of truckies and caravanners are sharing Australia’s highways, but a new campaign is warning that there are some places only trucks should go.


Caravanners are being warned that using truck rest areas as free camping sites is putting lives at risk on the nation’s highways.

It comes after Caravan Industry Association of Australia research found a quarter of recreational vehicle users had stayed at overnight rest areas reserved for truckies.

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator CEO Sal Petroccitto said educating caravanners about the dangers of using the stops would save lives.

“Long haul heavy vehicle drivers are often managing fatigue and getting good quality rest is critical to keeping all road users safe,” he said.

Deputy Prime Minister and Transport Minister Michael McCormack said a new “coexist” campaign would educate caravanners about the potential dangers of using truckie rest stops.

“It highlights the importance of ensuring our truck drivers can manage their fatigue and legal responsibilities, with a particular focus on truck rest stops and improved communication,” he said.

“These are two major groups that use Australian highways so information about sharing roads and rest facilities respectfully is critical to keeping everyone safe.”

Assistant Road Safety Minister Scott Buchholz urged caravanners to take advantage of the great facilities at camping grounds and caravan parks and give truck drivers space to stop at roadside rest areas so they could have a “proper break”.

Original story: Courier Mail Sept 7 2019.